Microsoft MS-900 Exam Dumps

Microsoft MS-900 Exam Dumps

Microsoft 365 Fundamentals

Total Questions : 340
Update Date : May 01, 2024
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Microsoft MS-900 Sample Question Answers

Microsoft MS-900 Sample Questions

Question # 1

A company is evaluating Microsoft Azure Conditional Access policies You need to determine which scenarios Conditional Access policies support. Which three scenarios should you select? Each correct answer presents a complete solution. NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point. 

A. Bitlocker deployment 
B. Multi-factor authentication 
C. Blocked access to Microsoft 365 services for unverified users 
D. Hybrid Azure Active Directory joined device 
E. Self-service password reset capabilities 

Question # 2

A company uses Microsoft 365. You need to identify the portal that users should use to install Office applications. What should you identify?

A. Azure portal 
B. Microsoft 365 user portal 
C. Microsoft 365 admin center 
D. Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center

Question # 3

A company needs to protect users from malicious URLs and attachments that are in emails. You need to select a solution that meets the requirement. Which service should you select?

A. Microsoft Cloud App Security 
B. Microsoft Defender for Identity 
C. Microsoft Defender for Office 365 
D. Microsoft Defender for Endpoint 

Question # 4

A company is evaluating Microsoft 365. You need to identify applications that are pan of Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. Which three applications should you identify? Each correct answer presents a complete solution NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point

A. Microsoft Teams 
B. Microsoft Visual Studio 
C. Microsoft OneNote 
D. Microsoft Excel 
E. Microsoft Project 

Question # 5

A company is evaluating Microsoft 365. You need to determine which apps integrate with Viva Insights. Which two apps should you identify? Each correct answer presents a complete solution. NOTE Each correct selection is worth one point. 

A. Microsoft Excel 
B. Microsoft Outlook 
C. Microsoft Word 
D. Microsoft Teams 

Question # 6

A company is evaluating Microsoft 365. You need to identify the collaboration features of OneDrive. What are two collaboration features of OneDrive? Each correct answer presents part of the solution. NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.

A. Inviting external users to an online meeting. 
B. Chatting with multiple users. 
C. Coauthoring of supported documents. 
D. Sharing files with external users. 

Question # 7

A company is developing their Windows as a service (WaaS) strategy. The Company wants to roll out the most recently released Windows updates to specific devices before billing them out to other devices. You need to recommend correct feature to meet the requirements. Which feature should you recommend?

A. Insider Preview builds 
B. Servicing channels 
C. Group Policies 
D. Servicing stack updates 
E. Deployment rings 

Question # 8

A company is evaluating virtualization services. You need to determine the difference between Microsoft 365 and Azure Virtual Desktop. Which feature is unique to Microsoft 365?

A. Users can sign into a dedicated virtual machine.
 B. Administrators can connect the virtual machine to an on-premises network. 
C. Users can rename their assigned virtual machine. 
D. Administrators can assign users to the local administrators group on the virtual machine. 
E. Administrators can manage the virtual machines by using Microsoft Endpoint Manager. 

Question # 9

Employees of a company are collaborating on a project, The project manager reports frequent interruptions from team members who request project updates. The project manager wants team members to be able to make and review project updates. You need to recommend a collaboration solution that allows the team to track individual tasks and overall project progress. Which two work management applications should you recommend? (Refer to MS-900: Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Documents or guide at Microsoft.com) 

A. Microsoft Lists 
B. Microsoft Bookings 
C. Microsoft Outlook 
D. Microsoft Planner 

Question # 10

A company is evaluating Microsoft 365. You need to describe the features of Microsoft Bookings. What are two features of Microsoft Bookings? Each correct answer presents part of the solution. NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.

A. Provides phone call notification for appointments. 
B. Uses Microsoft Teams for virtual meetings. 
C. Provides SMS notification for appointments. 
D. Uses Yammer for virtual meetings.